The Ninth Station

Jesus Falls the Third Timetheninthstation

Three times You fall. Three times Your limbs fail as Your strength ebbs away.

Three times Your friend—the one who lived with You, ate with You, saw Your power and love displayed to everyone You met—vehemently denied even knowing You.

When I think of the many times I have denied You, driven You to Your knees under my blows, I wish the earth would open and swallow me up.

But You will not stop. You rise again. Faithful to me to the last, the one who is so faithless to You.

Oh Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner!




The Third Station

Jesus Falls the First Timeocvdthirdstation

All the Heavenly Host look on in wondering sorrow as You fall under the weight of the cross. It presses on Your stinging shoulders and dares you to rise.

It is my callous, spiteful, lustful, wrathful, envious, faithless heart, ingrained in the wood of that cross, that crushes Your bleeding body. Oh Lord, it crushes me too, but I haven’t the strength to lift myself.

And so, You struggle on, carrying it and me, to Calvary. For You know that it is only on that bloody hill, that I will finally be released from this heavy burden.

You are determined that I should live free, despite what it costs You.

And now, I can hear You call to me, “Pick up your cross and follow Me.”

Gracious Lord, I cannot carry it myself. Help me!

The Second Station

532652_Jesus-Carries-His-Cross-MartinFeuersteinJesus Takes Up His Cross

This is why you took on human flesh. This is the instrument of my salvation. How you welcomed it! How I run from mine.

My hard and darkened heart cannot understand a love that would surrender a Throne to live with me. Or one that willingly suffers a horrible death so that I can live.

You see my broken soul in the wood of that cross, and you embrace me.

The First Station

Antonio_Ciseri_Ecce_HomoJesus is Condemned to Death

Patiently, silently, you stand there, determined to do your Father’s will for love of me. Even though your human nature recoils at the pain and humiliation you have undergone, and have yet to face, you do not waver.

You hear the crowd’s jeers. A few, short days ago, they greeted you with, “Hosanna!” You see the desperation in Pilate’s cringing eyes, so full of fear and confusion. You know he doesn’t have the courage to pronounce you innocent and set you free. He takes the coward’s way and washes his hands of your fate. He wants nothing more to do with you.

Jesus, did you see me hidden in the crowd too? Cursing you, when only a short time ago you healed me of my blindness and sickness. And did you see me in Pilate’s chair, washing my hands of the responsibility for the horror you now face for my sake?

And yet, this is all done according to Your will. Oh have mercy on me Lord, a sinner and a coward!


Daily Prayer Project

FoB, Paulist Prison Ministries, is in the midst of a project to produce daily prayer books for distribution in our nation’s prisons and to parishes around the country. You can see a sample below the fold. As of today, they are able to print and deliver ~20,000 copies; however, PPM serves some 650 prison chaplains who will no doubt want these for the men and women they serve which means they’ll need to print a lot more!

It’s also available to the general public! This is a great way to cultivate the habit of praying the hours without the need to learn a lot of complicated rubrics often necessary for using a conventional breviary.

In addition to 31 days of morning, midday, evening, and night prayer, there is a section in the back with more prayers for daily use and special needs. This is a great tool for keeping prisoners connected to God, exercising their faith, and fighting off the temptation to despair. Whether their doing short time or hard time, prison is a miserable place. This little book could be a lifeline thrown to a drowning soul. Please, won’t you consider helping with a donation today?

I was in prison and you visited me.

~ Matt 25:36

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Happy St. Valentine’s Day!

And no, I don’t mean the cheesy version hi-jacked by Hallmark and…

Valentine was a holy priest in Rome, who, with St. Marius and his family, assisted the martyrs in the persecution under Claudius II. He was apprehended, and sent by the emperor to the prefect of Rome, who, on finding all his promises to make him renstvalentineounce his faith ineffectual, commanded him to be beaten with clubs, and afterwards, to be beheaded, which was executed on February 14, about the year 270.

Pope Julius I is said to have built a church near Ponte Mole to his memory, which for a long time gave name to the gate now called Porta del Popolo, formerly, Porta Valetini. The greatest part of his relics are now in the church of St. Praxedes.

His name is celebrated as that of an illustrious martyr in the sacramentary of St. Gregory, the Roman Missal of Thomasius, in the calendar of F. Fronto and that of Allatius, in Bede, Usuard, Ado, Notker and all other martyrologies on this day.

To abolish the heathens lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls, in honor of their goddess Februata Juno, on the fifteenth of this month, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets given on this day.

You can read more about St. Valentine here. Below is my Valentine to all of you…

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Ya Got a Little Shmuts There…

ashwednesdayToday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent in the Roman Catholic Church and others (for our Orthodox brethren, Great Lent begins at the end of February this year; the 27th I believe).

For those who aren’t Roman Catholic, it’s easy to tell what day it is because suddenly there are a bunch of people walking around with smudges on their foreheads. So what’s up with that?

Continue reading “Ya Got a Little Shmuts There…”