Do You Pray for Your Priests?

The Roman Catholic Church has taken a good deal of heat over its handling of sexual abuse by priests and I believe rightly so. But what most people overlook in their analysis of the Church’s actions, is her duty to mix mercy with justice.

Before you start sending me nasty emails please listen: My position is that abusive priests—or anyone in positions of trust in our society—who have credible allegations made against them must be removed from their duties immediately, with no exceptions. If proven true, I further believe that they must never have the possibility of returning to such positions in the future, or any position where they might be tempted to the same sin. For the sake of those to whom they minister, and for their own sakes.

You see, there are three victims here: the abused, the Church, and the priest. The abused has been shattered in the most abject way. The Church is also weakened by injury to its members and a rupture in fellowship and justice. But so is the soul of the abuser. The Church therefore, as a good mother, must offer the hope of redemption to all these victims.

Do you suppose that the weight and horror of the their actions does not crush their spirit? I suppose there are some whose consciences are so seared that they cannot feel the enormity of their sin. However, I believe that, by and large, men become priests—and I am including all clergy here: Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant ministers and pastors—because they have an inherent love of God and His people. Unfortunately, because they are on the front lines in the battle against real evil in this world, they are the most targeted by the devil and his angels.

Do not cluck your tongue and look askance when you hear of some poor soul who has lost the battle with his flesh. What they have done is wrong, and they will account for it before God, but they are not to be deprived of His love and mercy either. Instead pray for them. Lift them up before God because they have an enormous responsibility for your soul. YOU! Don’t you dare gossip and whisper. PRAY!

The thief on the cross justly deserved his punishment and he knew it. But he also knew that the One crucified next to him, had the power to make him clean again. So it is with our priests, pastors, and teachers. Pray for them because they bring the living God to YOU!


2 thoughts on “Do You Pray for Your Priests?”

  1. How easy it is to cast that first stone. How terribly difficult it is to take it back once it has been thrown. We forget sometimes that our priests are just men, open to the same sins and temptations we all face. I’m not condoning such actions, but we must stop and say…”there, but for the grace of God, go I”. We will never understand the inner turmoil such a man must endure, therefore, we have no right judge. Thank you for this much needed reminder. We should look at our own lives before judging others.

  2. In Rob Bell’s book “Love Wins”, Rob claims that God does forgive sinners and would never condemn anyone to hell for what they have done on earth. God is, indeed, merciful.

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