The weekend approaches, and I just realized I hadn’t posted any music videos in a while…
Hey! Where you going? Get back here! It won’t be that bad, really…
Ok, maybe a little bit.
First up, what do get when you pair an iconic performer with an equally iconic TV show theme? I don’t know, but if you find out let me know. Instead listen to this:
That was Sammy Davis Jr. btw. Book ’em Dano, Murder 1—murdering a cool song that is!
So very illogical! Well, ya can’t have Spock without the Shat!
To quote Dirty Harry, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” And speaking of limitations, here’s the man himself talking to, er, trees. Oy.
Will leave off with a less well known and less heralded—for good reason—performer, Mark “The Voice” Gormley. Take it away Mark!
Have a good weekend y’all!