Professional Networkers

Let’s leave the evil that is Facebook alone for a minute to focus on another time-waster, LinkedIn.

I am astounded by the sheer volume of mail I get from LinkedIn on a daily basis. So many people spending inordinate amounts of time gilding their particular lilly, and shouting about it to the world at large.

uflinks“So-and-so has a new skill in the Application of Technology to Rodential Pet Marketing!”

That’s a skill?

“So-and-so has endorsed you for a new skill!”

Oh? What is that pray tell, and how do they know I’m good at it? Are there cameras in my office? I’ve got to get a thicker tinfoil hat!

“So-and-so is now Regional Vice President of Ratco Inc. Congratulate So-and-so on their new job!”

Weren’t they just named District Manager of Amalgamated Hamster last week?

“See what your connections are up to!”

From the look of it, their on LinkedIn 24×7 wasting company time looking for affirmation, new friends, a new job, or all of the above. Based on what I can see, LinkedIn is just Facebook in a pinstripe suit, and with half the inappropriate pictures and personal anecdotes.

I’m sure you’ll say that blogging about social media is at best ironic and at worst hypocritical. Hey! Wait a minute…Ironic Blogging. That’s a new skill!

See you later. I’ve gotta go update my profile!

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