To the dear lady in the black Cadillac yesterday, and truly, to all her kindred spirits, that stalk on the side of your steering column activates a device called a TURN SIGNAL.
It is not, as you seem to think dear lady, a retro-rocket turning aid to help you around the corner.
It’s intended use is to SIGNAL others that you are going to make a TURN up AHEAD. Activating this device while you are already turning would make sense were it a retro-rocket turning aid, but as it is meant to keep you and the thousands of people you share the road with SAFE, it really works best if you use it well in advance of the turn. I believe 100 feet is the minimum.
We can all pretty much figure out that you intend to turn after we watch you do it. So, dear lady, for the sake of your fellow humans with whom you share the roadway, kindly pull your head out of your [CENSORED]!