Repressed Memories

Staple of WKZO in Kalamazoo, home of celery and tin-eared hillbillies
Staple of WKZO in Kalamazoo, home of celery and tin-eared hillbillies

As a child, I was forced to suffer many indignities, but none of them left as painful a scar as being subjected to Rem Wall’s Green Valley Jamboree.

My dear parents even dragged me to Deer Forest in Coloma, not to see the animals or ride the rides, but to see Rem and his boys perform live on stage.

From what I remember, The Green Valley Boys were on Saturday nights just before we went to Mass. There’s nothin’ like country music to put you in the mood for salvation! When we got home, we’d have supper where I would get a dose of Lawrence Welk for good measure. Helps keep your mind on your bizness! [Grandpa Simpson voice]

Those of you who’ve derided my taste in music in times past, should therefore cut me some slack. You can see the damage that was done by these passive-aggressive parental tortures.

Anyhoo, misery loves him some company so here ya go…


4 thoughts on “Repressed Memories”

  1. I know it’s unlikely, but I swear I could smell pot roast while the fiddle and steel guitar were playing?

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