The Eleventh Station

Jesus is Nailed to the Crosstheeleventhstation

Iron pierces Your flesh. Every blow of the hammer reverberates in waves of searing pain up Your arms and legs. The blood You’ve shed so far is not enough to fill chasm caused by my rebellion. Now You shed still more. It oozes from the wounds, runs down Your limbs, and pools on the dusty ground as if the earth were ashamed to drink it in.

But that is why You came to earth. Only Your perfect life and precious blood will heal dying creation, and my long dead soul. If I could only weep enough tears to wash the crimson stain away…

What were You thinking at that moment my Lord? What emotions filled Your heart as my forebears—and I—tortured You? Did You look down the centuries and see me; lost, frightened, and despairing?

I look back across the centuries but cannot watch, even now. Spare me Merciful Savior from the despair I feel at having so offended You.