Happy Presidents’ Day!

john-adams…Since we can’t be bothered to celebrate Washington and Lincoln’s birthday separately. I mean, one is only the father of our country, and the other saved it from collapse, no big deal.

Had they lived in our time, I’m sure neither would win the Nobel Peace Prize either. Just sayin’.

Power always thinks… that it is doing God’s service when it is violating all his laws.

~ John Adams


Still Smoldering

Okay, I’m sure you’re all plenty sick of this topic so I’ll keep it short. FOB Jack informs me that I fell into his trap just as he planned.

In my make-up post Putting Out the Fire, I listed several resources that Roman Catholic Christians can use to advance their knowledge of the faith and scripture and by so doing, advance in the spiritual life and be better witnesses.

As Jack was quick to point out (and I’m paraphrasing), “So basically, after talking about what the Church does wrong, you go on to list a bunch of things that prove the Church is doing them right.”

Yeah, now.

Continue reading “Still Smoldering”

Putting Out the Fire

fireextinguisherAs part of my plea-bargain, I am required to put out some of the fires I started yesterday.

I was gently rebuked by FOB Jack who commented on Rob the Arsonist by saying:

When I have a broken window on the front of my house, I don’t need everybody walking past to tell me I have a broken window. I need someone to walk up and hand me the business card for a good window guy.

Fair point.

I really meant that post as an exhortation, but as Jack rightly points out, I shouldn’t assume that just because somebody can acknowledge a problem, it doesn’t follow that they have the first idea of how to fix it.

So, here’s my stab at helping them out.

Continue reading “Putting Out the Fire”

Rob the Arsonist

lit_match_op_680x652Well, since I’m pitching Molotov Cocktails all over the place, one more can’t hurt can it?

So I’ve got Relevant Radio on in the background (Yeah, I listen to a lot of radio! If it weren’t for radio and my imaginary friends, I’d be a real loser!)

Anyhoo, this guy is on the air, talking to the host about a conversation he had with a visitor/acquaintance/protestant friend. Apparently he got drawn into an argument about the canon of scripture—I didn’t catch all the details—then he says he had always thought that “the Qur’an was essentially the same as the Old Testament of the Bible.”


Continue reading “Rob the Arsonist”