Unpacking Our Learnings

In the corporate world, it is imperative to leverage bandwidth so as to capitalize on all the low-hanging fruit, while maximizing best practices and core competencies, simultaneously enhancing our value proposition.

Ugh. I feel dirty. Hang on a minute while I disinfect my keyboard…/squirt /squirt…There. That’s better.

As a refugee from the corporate world, I have had to learn to speak and write English all over again. I have the double handicap of having spent over a decade working in information technology. IT greatly accelerates the decline of literacy because of the field’s over-reliance on acronyms to describe just about everything. Technology isn’t real until there’s an acronym for it. Even jokes are spoken in acronym. PFM and RTFM are two old chestnuts I have uttered more times than I care to remember.

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419 Fun

Is there anyone alive who hasn’t gotten one of these 419 emails yet? I didn’t think so. Just like bad sci-fi movies, they are enjoyable on so many levels: preposterous premise, bad sentence construction, bad use of tenses, hilarious Engrish, and downright cheekiness. Sadly, there are enough stupid and/or greedy people in this world to encourage these felons. Although, after you read a few of their emails, you’ve gotta wonder just how stupid and greedy you’d have to be to fall for ’em. On second thought, best not to think about it too much, it’s too depressing.

Here is one that I enjoyed immensely:

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Me Write Good One Day

One of my favorite pastimes is watching bad sci-fi/monster movies. “Bad” usually means something from Japan featuring rubber monsters duking it out in downtown Tokyo, but another sure source of unintentional humor is something from Italy. The Italians have made some incredibly awful movies. I’m not talking Fellini or Visconti, but badly dubbed/badly translated garbage like the one I watched the other night, The Wild, Wild Planet

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This Post is Brought to You by the Letter “C”

Contrarian critics casually cause chaos in careful constructions by contending for control of content in cascading clashes of caustic contact and corrosive condescension. Considering the catastrophic conclusion consequent to such conduct, confirms a cruel and cold-blooded character calculatingly concentrated on crushing confidence while cavalierly capering on the carcass of conscientiously crafted creations. Such callous cross-grained cads call for condemnation for their complete…er…uh, crapulence!

Those with the ears to hear, let them hear…