I’m writing this on the third Sunday of Advent, traditionally referred to as Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is Latin for “rejoice.” At this point in the Advent season, we are reminded to be joyful, for God Himself will become incarnate on this earth to save us from sin and death, and confer upon us eternal life with Him in paradise. I heard a reflection on this given by a priest in Ireland, in which he stated that all baptized Christians should remind themselves every day what their baptism means; that they have been reborn, and claimed as a son or daughter of God Himself. That recollection of this fact should instill great joy in the soul, no matter how dark, unhappy, or painful life might seem to be at this moment.
This got me to thinking about why we are so prone to lose our joy. The conclusion I came to is that very often, the life we think we want, or ought to have, is usually not the one we actually lead. The disconnect between these two states can lead a soul to despair. Given the way my fuzzy little mind works, I immediately thought of an illustration from the movies.
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