The Trials of the “Creative Class”

I weave hemp ponchos, tie-died with 100% organic vegetable dyes...You got any Doritos?
I weave hemp ponchos, tie-died with 100% organic vegetable dyes…By the way, you got any Doritos?

I laughed so hard scotch shot out my nose and my ears!

Ben Schachter, Professor of Visual Arts (ahem) at St. Vincent College, writes in The Weekly Standard bemoaning the less the rosy reality of life under the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) for artists musicians, and writers.

Right out of the gate he writes:

Nancy Pelosi waxed rhapsodic in 2010 as she imagined the benefits of Obamacare: “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.”

Well, that was the economy we used to have. But as Obamacare begins to kick in, artists, photographers, writers, and other members of the “creative class” who have access to health insurance programs through numerous professional organizations will lose that coverage. [emphasis mine]

Say wha?! Since when has an “artist” ever been able to survive without a day job? Unless you’re Pablo Picasso, Paul McCartney, or Stephen King, you can’t live off of art!

He goes on to explain how many artists associations/guilds, who once offered group insurance at reasonable rates for their deadbeat artist membership, are now dropping those plans.

No kidding. Welcome to the real world hippies!

Actual hardworking, productive Americans are finding themselves in the same boat, as their employers drop health insurance benefits due to exorbitant rate increases engendered by ACA. If large corporations are cutting their employees loose, vis-a-vis health insurance, why should the non-productive, dilettante creative class get a pass?

Unless they are older or suffer from some preexisting condition that made coverage hard to obtain, freelance artists, designers, and musicians forced to enter the state-run exchanges are far more likely to see their rates go up—or to face the individual mandate penalties. This will be especially true, as alert observers of Obamacare implementation have noted, for those under the age of 30.

Psst! Hey, you guys! Put down the bong and listen to me: Just because you spend your days making dream-catchers, doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the stupid choices you make in the voting booth. We’re all getting it in the keister with this abomination. The staggering thing is that ACA will really hurt the folks who make our economy work, and that ain’t you.

Listen, I feel you. I’m one of you! I’m a nere-do-well writer for cryin’ out loud! But hardship for the “creative class” is hardly a national catastrophe. So yes, as Mr. Schachter writes, you probably oughta sell you sitar, get a haircut, and then get a job.

Shine on you crazy diamonds!

My Imaginary Friends

I was talking with a writer friend of mine today about the lives of characters. It imaginary-friendsmay sound weird, but it is a truth in writing that your characters must become real people—or at least they should do.

Our discussion centered around character development. She is working on the draft of a novel which I had the privilege of reviewing. In our debriefing we talked about putting flesh on the characters and she said an interesting thing. I don’t think I’m giving away any of the plot by paraphrasing her. She said,

When I started, I thought it was going to be Character A’s parade—Character B was simply going to be a minor character when in reality she stole the show. And I can’t explain it but I identified more with Character C and Character B than any of the others.

Continue reading “My Imaginary Friends”

The Drag

My pal, Joann Fastoff is finishing her new book, The Drag. It’s another novel featuring FBI agent Howard Watson. If you like thrillers, you’ll like this. Her books are crisp, intelligent, and best of all, entertaining!

Check it out:

The Cairn

cairn (k??n)cairnn

1.  a mound of stones erected as a memorial or marker

Where the restless waters recede,
I walk among stones long hidden.
Lapped by countless waves, their faces worn smooth,
Belying the fires that made them.

Search with me, select the best.
Help me to arrange them,
Fit them and make them stand,
Because I want to remember this spot at the end of the world.

Lay one stone upon the other,
Assemble them in proper order.
Knit them together,
As You’ve knit my life to Yours.


I’d Love to Live My Life…

…but I haven’t got the time.busy

I had a recent email exchange with a friend who was bemoaning their inability to get anything done because they’re too busy.

Think about that for a minute.

One of the more insidious diseases to infect modern man is incessant “busyness.” I think this is partly due to the very admirable trait of a strong work-ethic, common to most Americans, especially people with children. On the run from dawn to dusk, working, keeping house, caring for the kids, chauffeuring them to their various extra-curricular activities and so on, they exhibit all the symptoms of the disease in its most advanced form. However, in the rush of daily living, these things take on a life of their own, by sucking the life from us, often without our even knowing it.

Continue reading “I’d Love to Live My Life…”

Online Book-signing Tomorrow!

Just a reminder: I’m doing an online book-signing tomorrow, Thursday, May 2 at 3:30 PM Eastern. I’m told there’s still room available so if you haven’t registered yet, please hurry and sign up here.

After you register, you’ll receive a unique link that you’ll use to log into the event. There will also be a phone number and access code that you can use to call in to the event if a pc isn’t handy.

I’ll be joined by two other authors. We’ll be yakking about writing, our books, and other stuff. Also, just for attending the event, you’ll receive bookstubs for an ebook version of each of our books, completely FREE!

Come one, come all!

My Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars!

Online Book Signing westbow
Thursday May 2, 2013, 2:30 CST




Chicago Tribune Lit Fest 2013
Saturday June 8th Noon-1:00
CWA Tent




June 23-26
America’s Center St. Louis, Missouri
Thomas Nelson booth