
Oy vey.

When it comes to more crazy per square foot, I’ll put Illinois right thechildrennext to California any day!

Seems State Rep. Will Davis, Hazel Crest (do I need to tell you his party affiliation?) wants to add a $0.25 tax on every purchase of…sneakers. He figures the state could raise an extra $3 milldoh for Illinois’ YouthBuild programs which teach kids construction skills. Rep. Davis says,

Everywhere, funding is challenged. I see it as a uniquely creative way of helping youth.

His reasoning is that hey, kids buy a lot of shoes, so why not tax ’em?

Who wears athletic shoes the most? It’s probably kids.

So, if I have this right, Rep. Davis wants to help The Children, by taxing The Children. Brilliant!

We are so screwed.