How the Mighty Have Fallen

This is what happens when a once proud country completely rejects its history and instead, leaves its interpretation to 20-sumthin’ Art majors. Egad!

united Britain

What the hell is that you ask?

That is one of the proposals for a new Union Jack! In case you were too caught up in the latest shuffling of American Idol judges to notice, Scotland is scheduled to hold a referendum on independence from Great Britain in the autumn of 2014.

Lemme don my art critic hat for a moment…there we are. Here is my first reaction…

Bleccch! OMG, take it away! Take it away! It burns!

The rest of the designs are little better. Some are much worse.

If the Scots do separate, it will be good news for Sir Sean Connery, noted Scottish nationalist and formerly licensed-to-kill heart-throb. I’m not sure what it will eventually do for the Scottish people. Scotland ain’t the U.S. of A. after all.

Anyhoo, back to the Union Jack: this is what comes of forgetting your roots and your founding principles. IMO, the disordered mess of these proposed flags of state, reflect the disordered, disunited condition of the British people.

I hope you’re paying attention America.