Online Keno is Addictive!

seuratSince I was asked recently, none to subtly, what was up with the book, I thought I’d give you an update.

[BTW Jack, you weren’t the only person who’s asked me that recently.]

I really am pretty damn close to finished…with the first draft. *cough*

Look, it took Europe 22 years to start WWII after they finished the first one. I’ve got a lot of ground to cover so I’d appreciate it if you got up outta my grill about it, m’kay?

Seriously though.

I’ve been learning the hard way that this writing gig is, well, hard. I’ve written about it before so I won’t bore you with more whining. But there’s the first book to sell, there’s the new book to research and write, there’s the “channel” that needs constant attention (read blog and website etc), there’s the copy customers to be kept swimming in drivel, and then there’s keeping Gracie free of fleas.

I know you think we writey types sit around in our p.j.s playing WoW or online poker, but it’s not true I tells ya!

Yes I fob you off with bad music videos, but it’s to keep my sitemeter from going on life-support. I’m just not clever enough to be entertaining every day.

But back to the book…

This is an exciting phase of the writing process. You plot and plan, but the characters and the story take you in places you didn’t think you’d go. You really have no choice but to follow them and see what happens.

I like to think George Seurat felt the same way. All day, every day, putting little dots of color on the canvas. Finally, he got to step back and take it all in. It’s only then that you get to see what you’ve created.

The picture in your head is only a guide. Your mileage may vary.

Oh, and thanks for asking!

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