O Man, Thy Name is Wuss

clintGot a minute? Take a little test:

1. Can you change a tire?

2. Can you sew?

3. Can you unclog a drain?

4. Can you cook?

5. Can you make fire?

6. Can you disassemble major household appliances AND successfully put them back together WITH extra parts left over (this is known as improving the design)?

7. Can you find your way without asking for help?

8. Are you going a little thin up top?

9. Do you need to shave every day?

If you answered yes to all these questions, you might be a man. There is one more diagnostic test that may be needed to determine that fact with certainty.

However, if this describes you in any way, don’t bother!

Here’s the pull-quote:

One happy patient  is Danny, 27, whose beard used to be so patchy, he was forced to “fill it in” with an eyebrow pencil, he said.

Two years ago, he paid $8,500 for the surgery, which he considers a fashion statement.

“I have a baby face but now I’m able to look older. My fashion statement is a little edgy, and I do like the ‘rugged look,’” he said,

He added, “It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”



Listen up all you Low-T havin’, Cialis takin’, Grecian Formula usin’, Rogaine slatherin’, “Honey, which tie should I wear?” askin’, sissy-marys—y’all need to cowboy up, and boy I mean right now!

While you do, I’ll be over there in the corner weeping quietly.