LitFest ’14 was a success! Perfect weather, lots of people, and many books were sold. As usual at these things, I met some very interesting folks.
First was my table-mate, Jim Garner, from whom I learned lots about life as an author as well as a host of disturbing facts about the circus. Great guy, despite having graduated from that little school in SE Michigan. Check out his latest book featuring Rex Koko, Private Clown.
SW Michigan was well

represented too. Check out Allegan-native Sylvester Boyd’s book, The Road from Money. It’s the story of his aunt’s life growing up in the rural south in the early 20th century. Sylvester grew up on the south side of Chicago before moving to Michigan when he was fifteen. Now he’s back in the Windy City, writing, speaking, traveling, and loving life. The youngest looking seventy-one year old, I’ve ever met!
There was another notable artist on hand that I want to mention. His name is Lakey. He’s an itinerant artist and poet. A real free spirit. Visit his FB page here.