SSG Clinton Romesha, Hero

Our newest Medal of Honor winner:ssgromesha

Throughout the day, Romesha understood the risks he was taking, and he knowingly put his life in danger to save the lives of his Soldiers and repel a numerically superior enemy force. Romesha was personally responsible for killing more than 10 enemy fighters with either a Dragunov, an M-4 or an MK-48, and an estimated 30 anti-Afghanistan forces with indirect fire and air support. He also led his men in killing a minimum of five others beyond that. Romesha recovered his fallen Soldiers and preserved the lives of several more. His heroic actions allowed B Troop to reconsolidate on the combat outpost and enabled him to lead the counterattack that secured Combat Outpost Keating.

Staff Sergeant Romesha apparently has a sense of humor:

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Catholic is Not Christian?

I was cleaning my cat’s litter box this morning and it occurred to me that I hadn’t cleaned the blog’s spam trap recently. Just like my cat’s litter box, without regular cleaning, it gets pretty nasty and smelly in there. So equipped with surgical mask and asbestos gloves, I opened the lid and starting scooping. There were the usual incendiary comments begging for a click:

To the site admins reanidg [sic] this comment, Yeah figures, my comment must be approved by the site admins before it will appear publicly, sounds like the work of a good communist, controlling the media so any bad comments do not get past the censors to make an opinion heard.

Like any good communist censor, I ash-canned those. The rest of what I found was the usual spambot generated stuff—sometimes the spambots offer a more cogent remark than anything in the actual post, but never mind—today I found this little item from “Maria”:

Catholic is not Christian. Catholicism leads to eternal tornmet [sic] in hell, because catholicism teaches works for salvation, and that is a false gospel of works (Galatians 1:6-9) that is against JESUS’S free gift of salvation! And catholicism will not give anyone a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus!

And it goes on. Now regardless of whether “Maria” is a spambot or not, I still thought this was worth addressing, because this is something I hear all the time. In fact, I used to say the same thing myself…

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Benedict XVI

benedictxviLike many around the world, I was shocked this morning to hear the news of Benedict’s abdication, but as I thought about it, I was only confirmed in my view of him as a holy, honorable, compassionate shepherd.

After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.

I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.

However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me.

There will be the inevitable comparisons to his predecessor John Paul II who remained in the Chair of Peter until his last breath. There is no point in comparing the two men, for they are but men. John Paul II wished to unite his own personal suffering to that of Christ’s in a very public, and for his flock, edifying way. Benedict, no doubt aware of the great challenges to the Christian Church in our post-modern age, sees the need for stronger shoulders to carry the weight.

On his coat of arms is a bear with a pack on his back. This refers to the legend of St. Corbinian, the first bishop of Freising, who on his way to Rome was attacked by a bear which killed his horse. St. Corbinian scolded the bear, tamed, it and put his belongings on the bear’s back to carry in the horse’s stead. Benedict sees himself as a bear tamed by God and pressed into His service. The bear is old and tired, unable to carry the very heavy burden, and wise enough to lay it down gently rather than drop and break it.

God bless you Holy Father! Thank your for your long and faithful service to the Church. May your retirement in seclusion and prayer bring you to a peaceful end, and a joyous meeting with your Merciful Lord!

Oh the Shame!

shameLike many men of a certain age, I have noticed a sharp decline in both the quantity and quality of my hair. When challenged about it, I simply point out that my hair isn’t thinning, my skull is thickening. This explanation is met with a certain, shall we say, skepticism in some quarters.

You can imagine my delight when I received this wonderful news via email today:

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