Unpacking Our Learnings

In the corporate world, it is imperative to leverage bandwidth so as to capitalize on all the low-hanging fruit, while maximizing best practices and core competencies, simultaneously enhancing our value proposition.

Ugh. I feel dirty. Hang on a minute while I disinfect my keyboard…/squirt /squirt…There. That’s better.

As a refugee from the corporate world, I have had to learn to speak and write English all over again. I have the double handicap of having spent over a decade working in information technology. IT greatly accelerates the decline of literacy because of the field’s over-reliance on acronyms to describe just about everything. Technology isn’t real until there’s an acronym for it. Even jokes are spoken in acronym. PFM and RTFM are two old chestnuts I have uttered more times than I care to remember.

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419 Fun

Is there anyone alive who hasn’t gotten one of these 419 emails yet? I didn’t think so. Just like bad sci-fi movies, they are enjoyable on so many levels: preposterous premise, bad sentence construction, bad use of tenses, hilarious Engrish, and downright cheekiness. Sadly, there are enough stupid and/or greedy people in this world to encourage these felons. Although, after you read a few of their emails, you’ve gotta wonder just how stupid and greedy you’d have to be to fall for ’em. On second thought, best not to think about it too much, it’s too depressing.

Here is one that I enjoyed immensely:

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And One More Thing…

College football teams will be starting fall camp soon in preparation for another season. I’ve already weighed in on the Penn State scandal, but given recent developments, I just have to say something more…

The behavior of students at Penn State in the interim since the NCAA handed down its sanctions has been less than edifying. Still, these are college students and I suppose we can expect them to be clueless idiots because that’s what college students do—I speak from experience. What causes me to comment is the attitudes and behavior of adults connected with PSU.

The recent indignant shows of defiance display a complete lack of empathy for the victims of Jerry Sandusky, neigh, the victims of the whole PSU administration as well, from the trustees, to the college president, to the head coach. There are degrees of culpability here to be sure, but what these so-called supporters do not understand is that the entire university failed these boys.

I have heard all the arguments about how it’s unfair to punish the players. They are the unfortunate collateral damage of this tragedy. However, they do not have to live the rest of their lives with the memory of being violated, in the most intimate way, by a person of trust. The players can transfer if they wish, no questions asked, and some of them are doing just that.

Of all the despicable behavior of PSU supporters of late, surely most heinous examples are those who wish ill to those players who transfer. This is the earmark of a culture that has become twisted and evil. Star running back Silas Redd just completed his transfer to the University of Southern California and is now being subjected to the vilest vitriol from these alleged “PSU supporters.”

If the NCAA’s intention was to change the culture at Penn State, they obviously underestimated the virulence of the disease. I must join the growing chorus calling for the death penalty for PSU football. I fear that doing away with the source of this moral schizophrenia is the only solution.

Penn State University was the second land-grant college established in this country. The first was my alma mater, Michigan State University. These two institutions set the pattern for all land-grant colleges under the Morrill Act of 1862. Land-grant universities represent the noble ideal of teaching practical agriculture, science, and engineering in addition to traditional liberal arts studies. These institutions revolutionized higher education in the U.S. It is painful beyond words that such an illustrious heritage has become so degraded especially by something as inconsequential as football. I pray that all those who are part of the Penn State community come to realize this.


Me Write Good One Day

One of my favorite pastimes is watching bad sci-fi/monster movies. “Bad” usually means something from Japan featuring rubber monsters duking it out in downtown Tokyo, but another sure source of unintentional humor is something from Italy. The Italians have made some incredibly awful movies. I’m not talking Fellini or Visconti, but badly dubbed/badly translated garbage like the one I watched the other night, The Wild, Wild Planet

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Two Hearts

Wicked, double heart!
Heavy, hard, sharp, and helpless.
What tool will cleave you;
what torrent erode you?
Arid years of standing still,
have left you a monument to apathetic fear.
Will you beat again?

Happy single heart!
Gentle, supple, sincere.
Cleft by love unbounded,
worn smooth by fearless acceptance.
Yielding and tender, moved by compassion
but unmoved by time.
Sacred Heart strong and stable,
carry my heaviness.
Surround me with calm.
Overcome my fear!

This Post is Brought to You by the Letter “C”

Contrarian critics casually cause chaos in careful constructions by contending for control of content in cascading clashes of caustic contact and corrosive condescension. Considering the catastrophic conclusion consequent to such conduct, confirms a cruel and cold-blooded character calculatingly concentrated on crushing confidence while cavalierly capering on the carcass of conscientiously crafted creations. Such callous cross-grained cads call for condemnation for their complete…er…uh, crapulence!

Those with the ears to hear, let them hear…